Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let's talk a little about where we're going

I had in mind to start cleaning out my closet today.   To begin cleansing myself, so to speak, for the fight.

I've decided instead, after a conversation with a friend, that it might be a better idea to share a little about what I'm hoping to accomplish here.

I've been speaking with people.  Getting them excited (and everyone IS excited) about an UPRISING of sorts.  I tell them to log on and see what I'm up to.  But I can imagine that once they get here, they see some entertaining prose and a short rant on the erosion  of our liberties, and think, "well THAT was entertaining".

Here's the thing...

This health care debate that has been raging on in the nation, for more than a decade now, is not a debate without merit.  Neither is the notion that, as the one species on this planet with the ability to reason, we have a responsibility to manage our environment in a way that will allow generations to come, the privilege of stepping out their front door in the morning and taking a DEEP BREATH of clean, fresh air.  The problem is, the people we have given charge of managing our affairs have taken it upon themselves to strip us of both our cash and our freedom, in the name of these issues. If either CAP AND TRADE, or the HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL, in it's current form are allowed to become law, the Union as we know it... rather as our parents and grandparents knew it, will cease to exist.  Most likely, never to return.  These bills threaten the very fiber of our Constitutional form of government.  If the government is funding our every health requirement, they will eventually have to manage our behavior as what they will call "the only way to keep us healthy".  THINK ABOUT IT... We do it to our children all the time. "Johnny don't do that. You'll hurt yourself".  PERSONALLY, I would rather die YOUNG and FREE, than become an captive of the state.  Likewise with Cap and Trade.

These are not the only issues that are being used as instruments to pry our freedom from our grasp, only the most obvious.

I don't think our Founders ever had in mind for this United States to EVER be RULED by a political class.  They intended for people like you and me to go to The Seat of Government, at the behest of our peers, discuss what business was at hand, legislate as need be, then GO HOME and live with the legislation they had passed, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US.  We have been divided into groups.  Each willing to surrender a small portion of our liberty, as long as it meant another group lost a larger portion of theirs.  The men and women who call themselves our leaders, have quite successfully pitted us all against one another by pointing out to each group, the inequities between us.  Blaming one group or another for the plight of someone else.  One man says, "vote for me and I'll make sure THEY can't do this".  A woman says, "vote for ME.  I'll keep THEM from doing THAT".

When all the dust settles, we are ALL left with fewer liberties and a larger burden.  To quote that famous gecko... "WE'VE BEEN DUPED"!

The vision that I have is to return this Union to its RIGHTFUL HEIRS.  This blog is a start, but not even a hint of what I think we  (you and I) can... MUST accomplish.  I've registered a domain that will be up and running soon, I hope.  My youngest is charged with that task.  It will be the platform for what I hope will become a NATIONWIDE MOVEMENT to bring real people back in to the political arena.  Political affiliation, not required (but also not rejected).  To enlist brave men and women to lay aside their fear, and join me in the battle to take back the reigns of government.  No offense to talk show hosts (thanks to all for the info), or bloggers (again, thanks for all the info), or the guy on the bar stool saying "someone needs to do something"... or the guy on the CB saying the same thing, but while we ALL are complaining, NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

Thanks to the... shall I say, OVERZEALOUS bunch currently holding court at the Seat of Government, our condition as a nation has been brought in to CRISP FOCUS.  The climate is right for a thorough cleansing, from those who believe they have been put there to give us what they think is "good for us".  And then, with enough new faces in town, to make a few adjustments to our Constitution, to prevent this from ever happening again.  I think that's what the framers had in mind, when they wrote it.  IN FACT, I think if they were alive today and sitting down, quill in hand, to spell out our... RIGHTS?  They probably would have stopped at "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW", and just left it at that.  The question facing us now is this...



But I'd rather not be standing there alone.

I'll get back to ya... 

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