Once upon a time, there was this lazy, slacker of a teenager. Oh, he had some good qualities, thanks to the hard work of his mother. (Remember her from the last post)?
Slacker was your average, run of the mill teen. Perhaps a bit ahead of his time, in his level of HIGH SCHOOL APATHY. On the days he managed to find his way to the front entrance to his school, his eyes (when they were open) were on the clock, in anticipation of the final bell.
Eventually, Slacker decided that, in spite of their best efforts, the educators were unable to teach him anything of value. He stood up at the end of health class (maybe it was English class) and walked out the side door, never to return.
During the years leading up to that EPIPHANY, while mom was working hard to instill that BASIC SET of laws, dad was working equally hard at teaching Slack the finer points of womanizing, and various other forms of carousal. Lessons that young Slacker would learn well, and perfected to levels far greater than those of his mentor.
***DISCLAIMER: This is paternal dad, not step-dad. ***
Slacker carried on with little concern for anyone other than himself, well into what, for lack of a better term, he'd call adulthood. By the standard he now measures...? Call it "PROLONGED ADOLESCENCE" (There's a little P.C. for ya.)
Anyway... Back to Slacker...
In his mid 20's, sometime after the birth of his first child... BEHOLD! The light came on and he could see himself for who he was, and he was ashamed.
And from that moment, Slacker began to walk a path much different than the one he had been on for so long. From time to time, he would catch himself wandering. He would slap himself around a bit, then run back to the path and walk on.
Somewhere along the way, Slacker changed his name to HARD WORKER, and then to COMMITTED. Committed has ALWAYS cherished his freedom, even before changing his name. Now that he sees that his freedom is being threatened, along with the freedom of his friends... and EVEN THOSE who are not his friends, Committed has changed his name to TOM SAWYER (modern day warrior). And once he has all his wasted years out there in the light, for all to see, Tom holding the light in his own hand, he will change his name one more time. Then everyone will know him for who he is now...
An AVERAGE AMERICAN, who has lived his life sometimes WELL, sometimes NOT SO WELL. Who struggles to make ends meet and wishes he didn't have to work so hard. No extravagant home, no yacht, no big bank accounts... heck... no extra money at all.
An average American who believes that his Union was established by average men, who intended for it to stay in the hands of average men. (and women too, of course)
An average American who believes he is NO BETTER or worse than any other and that, but for the bright light of the media, (not to be confused with the bright light of TRUTH) would be as qualified as any other to hold a seat in the United States Senate.
This BRIGHT LIGHT of the media has corrupted our electoral process and my goal is too make all the digging up of scandal, largely IRRELEVANT. I may overlook a thing or two. I haven't been preparing for a career in politics. There are plenty of things to try to remember. But I'm quite certain that SOMEONE will be HAPPY to point out anything I miss.
If I make it to the steps of The Capitol, that will be good. Unless of course, I'm standing there alone (see If you want something done, do it yourself). If I convince OTHERS to run? Others who would run for office, if not for that one secret,... people who desire to protect the freedom of ALL AMERICANS, not just those you agree with?
Our Founders laid it all on the line, when they signed the Declaration of Independence. They were committing treason against the King. A crime punishable by death.
I'll get back to ya...
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