It's unfortunate that while working this LONG week, those of us who have chosen this profession must do it EXACTLY RIGHT, or risk having large portions of our revenue confiscated by various LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL authorities. IN FACT, in the state of Minnesota, answering incorrectly to questions on a VOLUNTARY survey, can cost both time and money. Here's the story on that
It astounds me that an industry that is so VITAL to our national economy, is targeted so aggressively as a source of revenue, by all levels of government. Perhaps this is because they know that, no matter how much they take, it's not going to go away. It CAN'T go away. It can only get more expensive to operate, the cost, OF COURSE, being passed on to the shipper, and then, OF COURSE, on to YOU the consumer.
This is one of the MANY issues (though far from the most important) that has brought me to this place in my life, where I can NO LONGER stand to just complain and say "something should be done". It's time for me to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.
I said in my last post that, IN TIME, I would get to the purpose that brought this blog in to existence. Well... I've given that more thought, and concluded that perhaps it would be better to START with that, rather than lead up to it. That way everything you view here, over the next 12 months, can be considered in light of it's purpose.
The purpose is 2-FOLD. The most important goal I have is to cause you to think... rather RETHINK about the way POLITICS and GOVERNMENT is done. With any luck, to cause you to become involved... ENGAGED. I don't mean calling or e-mailing your representatives in congress. I mean BECOMING your representatives in congress. (more on this in the future)
My secondary goal is to maybe convince those of you in Ohio, to allow me to be a part of the solution. I intend to have my name on the ballot for United States Senator, from the State of Ohio, in 2010. That would be my REAL name, not Tom Sawyer. (listen to the song, by Rush)
I mean it with my all heart, when I say this is my secondary goal. If I can... WE (you and I) can cause enough REAL PEOPLE... REGULAR PEOPLE to get involved in OTHER STATES, and OTHER OFFICES, how things work out for me will be of little consequence. Conversely, if I am allowed by the people of Ohio to become a part of the governing body, but I am alone on Capitol Hill, there will be little hope for change. Every election cycle, someone puts their hand up and says "VOTE FOR ME, I'LL MAKE THINGS BETTER", and they MEAN it. But they are one vote among many... one VOICE among many. By the time they have been there long enough to have influence, they have either FORGOTTEN why they went in the first place, or been CONSUMED by the... ... machine? that is TODAY'S American politics.

I know... I know... we've heard a lot about change here recently. So much in fact, that it's become cliche'. "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN"...? I'm talking about the kind of change I think the great men (and women, I'm sure) who FOUNDED this UNION believed in. You need only look at our U.S. CONSTITUTION to understand what I mean by change. REMEMBER... the CONSTITUTION? The sacred document that guarantees our freedom from an ALL POWERFUL and OPPRESSIVE federal government? CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW... and all THAT? WELL, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, it's STILL the LAW of the LAND...
It's hanging on by a thread, and we're running out of chances to save it.
I'll get back to ya...
...OH YEAH... The song. by RUSH
I'm glad that you are willing to step up to the plate and make a run for office. Our country may not be in the situation it is currently in if more people from all backgrounds ran for office. Our original founders were primarily businessmen, publishers, soldiers, and self-educated men. These men laid the foundation for the greatest nation the world has ever seen. This was not done by professional politicians, and I would argue that professional politicians would not have been able to get that job done as well as the founders did. So I wish you luck, and encourage anyone else reading this that may feel the same sentiment to act on it.
ReplyDeleteI'm rather certain that a truck driver from Ohio would better represent me than a lawyer from Chicago, or from anywhere for that matter. There are probably plenty of people out there who would agree.
A.C. Gringle -