Well HALLELUJAH!!! There is hope for this land of ours!!! I KNEW the people would come through! That a conservative can win an election in Massachusetts, gives me great hope for independent candidates everywhere.
Scott Brown ran on ideas, and the ideas won. He ran as an independent thinker, if not a true independent. He ran as an average American, "who drives a truck". I know he meant a pick-up truck, but STILL... Now if we can just do that, without spending millions and millions of dollars, we will have regained control of the electoral process, at least.
While Scott Brown is definitely a step in the right direction, he doesn't quite make that leap, all the way back to the Constitution. On the issue of marriage, he gets it exactly right. He declares that he believes it's the right of the states, to determine what their laws will be in that regard, and that he believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. He and I are in agreement on both counts. In fact, we agree on many issues, if not on the level of government at which they should be addressed.
I hope that as an independent thinker, he can be convinced that MANY of the issues, currently being addressed by our Federal Government, are actually issues to be addressed by the states. In fact, MOST are.
If our Federal government stuck to the issues that the Constitution gives it jurisdiction over, and only taxed us enough to cover those things, (preferably through a consumption tax, rather than an income tax), then perhaps WE the PEOPLE, of OHIO. could afford to address the things that affect us in Ohio. And YOU the PEOPLE, of MASSACHUSETTS, could afford to address the problems there.
Instead the Fed creates blanket solutions, often to problems of there own making, and forces the states to buy in to them. And as we have witnessed recently, many members of our governing bodies are all too happy to vote in favor of bad legislation, as long as they can keep it from impacting THEIR STATE. I would only be guessing... but this MAY WELL BE why our Founders restricted the Federal Government to the extent they did.
Thank you, Scott Brown, for the HOPE!
Thank you, Founding Fathers, for the WAY.
If our Federal government stuck to the issues that the Constitution gives it jurisdiction over, and only taxed us enough to cover those things, (preferably through a consumption tax, rather than an income tax), then perhaps WE the PEOPLE, of OHIO. could afford to address the things that affect us in Ohio. And YOU the PEOPLE, of MASSACHUSETTS, could afford to address the problems there.
Instead the Fed creates blanket solutions, often to problems of there own making, and forces the states to buy in to them. And as we have witnessed recently, many members of our governing bodies are all too happy to vote in favor of bad legislation, as long as they can keep it from impacting THEIR STATE. I would only be guessing... but this MAY WELL BE why our Founders restricted the Federal Government to the extent they did.
Thank you, Scott Brown, for the HOPE!
Thank you, Founding Fathers, for the WAY.
I'll get back to ya...