Please forgive me.

I'm new at this.
I'm not much of a talker, though I have QUITE A BIT to say.
Not much of a typist either... guess I'll have to get over that... Maybe I can get one of those voice recognition programs, to do the typing for me... Then I'd have to be a TALKER...
I'm starting this blog for a reason. I SAY that because, if anyone ever READS it... maybe passes it on to someone else, and then enough people read it to have it's desired effect, I don't want anyone to feel they were pulled in, or somehow TRICKED.
I'll get to the reason in time. For now, just keep in mind that there IS ONE.
I'd like to take a moment to apologize for the um... LACK of DECOR, on this site. I'll work on that, but I am pretty busy. What with bills to pay, and kids to feed, and that GREEDY UNCLE, scheming to take every extra dollar, I hardly have time to READ a blog, much LESS write one.
But... someone said, "if you want something done right, do it yourself." ...I'm guessing the someone who said that had an idea of the aptitude of the person he was saying it to. But, none the less, I heard it... so I'm gonna DO IT.
For now, with each post, I'll include a pic or two, taken as I travel about the country. That way, if my words don't hold your interest... maybe the pictures will. And I PROMISE, I'll dress it up in time. (as soon as i figure out how)

I'm new at this.
I'm not much of a talker, though I have QUITE A BIT to say.
Not much of a typist either... guess I'll have to get over that... Maybe I can get one of those voice recognition programs, to do the typing for me... Then I'd have to be a TALKER...
I'm starting this blog for a reason. I SAY that because, if anyone ever READS it... maybe passes it on to someone else, and then enough people read it to have it's desired effect, I don't want anyone to feel they were pulled in, or somehow TRICKED.
I'll get to the reason in time. For now, just keep in mind that there IS ONE.
I'd like to take a moment to apologize for the um... LACK of DECOR, on this site. I'll work on that, but I am pretty busy. What with bills to pay, and kids to feed, and that GREEDY UNCLE, scheming to take every extra dollar, I hardly have time to READ a blog, much LESS write one.
But... someone said, "if you want something done right, do it yourself." ...I'm guessing the someone who said that had an idea of the aptitude of the person he was saying it to. But, none the less, I heard it... so I'm gonna DO IT.
For now, with each post, I'll include a pic or two, taken as I travel about the country. That way, if my words don't hold your interest... maybe the pictures will. And I PROMISE, I'll dress it up in time. (as soon as i figure out how)

I KNOW I haven't said much to give an idea as to my purpose. But, bear with me. I have a YEAR to explain it. (it won't take nearly that long)
NOW, I need to go to bed. That UNCLE of mine, insists that I get a certain amount of sleep each night.
I'll get back to ya...